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主頁(yè) >> 天門山通天大道 |
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2005/10/10 10:52:29 閱覽: 6433次 來(lái)源:
張家界旅游指南 |
通天大道 通天大道共計(jì)九十九彎,扣合天有九霄之意。大道借山勢(shì)扶搖直上,如巨龍翔起,似玉帶斜掛,一百八十度急彎回巒盤繞,堪稱天下第一公路奇觀。經(jīng)此通天大道,即可直達(dá)天梯,壯觀的天界氣象近在眼前。 Heaven-linking Avenue has 99 turns symbolizing that the Heaven has nine palasce.The avenue runs upward with the posture of the mountain like the soaring of great dragon and also hangs like a jade belt with zigzg turns circling the hills.It is worth the titleewonder of highway in the world.Through Heaven-linking Avenue,one reaches directly the Tianticelestial ladder.The grand celestial-like scene came into view. 