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主頁 >> 天門瑞獸 |
發(fā)布時間: 2005/10/10 10:41:01 閱覽: 4669次 來源:
張家界旅游指南 |
天門瑞獸 據(jù)記載,曾有人偶在天門山的原始森林看到獨角獸出沒,此曾與流傳下來的中國古代瑞獸圖形酷似:身形似虎,通身赤紅,頭頂正中有弧形獨角,遇有人近前則迅疾隱沒不見。 Auspicious Unicorn Tianmen According to the records,once some one by chance saw unicorns in the primitive forests at Tianmen.The animal resembles the picture of an ancient Chinese auspicious animal very much.The animal is tiger-shaped,red all over the body with a single arch cornu in the middle of the head.It disappears quickly when there is some one near it. 